Company Info


To be a market leader in the paint and coatings industry in the AEC in terms of the products we manufacture and the customer service solutions we provide.
As TOA strives to become a leader in a paint market, and with our responsibility, we have developed our capacity for sustainable competitiveness, focusing on consumers, stores, employees and communities as part of our success.
We have developed by taking the

following factors into account.

Products and Services

We will develop our products and services by responding to consumer needs and health and environmental safety.

Distribution Channels
We will develop and support stores and distribution channels to ensure their growths with TOA.
Human Resource Development
TOA believes that quality employees are the foundation of success. Thus, we focus on improving our employees’ performances and instilling social awareness and responsibility.
Expansion of Market to AEC
With global technology and quality employees, we will expand our market to Southeast Asia and become a leader in AEC market.